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Form Converter FAQ

Below is a list of some common problems that we have found with Form Converter Pro.  Please read through this list before submitting E-mail.  If we can not assist on this page, feel free to e-mail us and we will return your e-mail as soon as possible.

Q: Why does the program tell me 0 records were imported?
A: This program Requires "FIELD01" to be present on your submit form.  All fields on
     your form must be renamed to "FIELD01", "FIELD02", "FIELD03", etc.

Q: I have a E-mail program that is not listed.  Will it work?
A: If it is not listed, e-mail and we will promptly
     respond with an answer.

Q: Which E-mail programs are known not to work?
A: Any Microsoft E-mail program will Not work.

Q: When I run the program old E-mail is still being imported, What's wrong?
A: You must compact the mailbox before you run the import program to remove
     old E-mail from your mailbox.

Q: I am using Netscape Communicator and it does not find the Data.
A: Netscape Communicator allows virtually limitless possibilities on mailbox location
     Email a request for the FindMe program and e-mail the output to us.

Q: I have installed one of the listed E-mail programs and it still does not work.
A: This program relies on a specific directory and folder name.  As time goes on this
     list will be expanded.  Currently all tested applications default installation
     directories and data directories have been tested.
A: Make sure you created a "Transfer" folder and spelled it correctly.  Make sure the
     folder is in the root and not embedded in another folder or group.
A: Request the FindMe program and e-mail the output to us.

Q: My problem appears to be an incompatible path.  How do I resolve this problem?
A: You can reinstall the program to the default path and that should correct the
     problem.  If you do not feel comfortable doing that then feel free to e-mail us from
     your registered e-mail account and we can customize a version just for you.

If this form did not resolve your problem or question please feel free to E-mail us.

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