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Over the life of this program will most likely see updates to address upgraded versions of E-mail programs or new E-mail programs.  This program was designed to make compatibility the most important issue.  Because of this we can very easily update this program to work with a wide variety of programs.  Here are some instructions that will address almost any program.

  1. Eudora Pro / Eudora Light
    Create a new Top Level Folder called Transfer in the Mailbox list.  This is accomplished by selecting Mailbox from the menu bar and selecting New.  Name the new folder Transfer
    When this is accomplished you may now start to move e-mail into this folder so Form Converter Pro can start to save you time and money.
  2. Netscape Navigator Mail / Netscape Communicator Mail
    Create a new Folder in the Mailbox list.  This is accomplished by selecting New Folder from the File Menu.  Create a folder called Transfer as a Subfolder of Local Mail. 
    When this is accomplished you may now start to move e-mail into this folder so Form Converter Pro can start to save you time and money.

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