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Everyone's business is different so everyone's submission form will be different.  When it comes to computers this can be very difficult to handle.  So to make this program work for anyone we have removed the need for a separate program for everybody.  With this program we use Generic labels to accommodate everyone.

A valid field label is anything you can think up, but for this programs purposes a valid field is FIELD01, FIELD02, FIELD03, FIELD04, etc.  By doing this it allows everyone to use this and not have to worry about custom fields.  Changing the field names is very easy and don't worry if you have too many fields or incompatible fields.  Every field on the form you receive does not have to be imported.  You can use this program to import just one field or as many as Form Converter Pro supports.

Changing the field names is quite simple if you are using any web publishing program, just change the name of the input field.  You do not have to modify what the user sees when filling out the form.  The field names are transparent and the only time you will notice them is when this program saves you hours a day.

Sample Form will be programmed something like this:

First Name: [Input Field] - Input Field will be named FIELD01
Last Name: [Input Field] - Input Field will be named FIELD02
Phone Number: [Input Field] - Input Field will be named FIELD03
E-mail: [Input Field] - Input Field will be named FIELD04

Your Responses will be E-mailed to you looking like this:

Response from your Web Site:
FIELD01: John
FIELD02: Doe
FIELD03: (123)123-4567
FIELD04: anyone@anywhere.com

Now when you run the program it will automatically read-in the information provided and import it to your contact manager in all the right places.

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